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The content on Tokyo Time is solely the opinion of the author (alias "Misa") and does not represent any opinion of anyone else. All content is deemed original at the time of publication and where possible, references will be provided where information has been extracted.

Try at your own risk

Tokyo Time may review anything from but not limited to beauty products, lifestyle routines, dramas. Everyone's opinion is different, and everyone is physically different. You acknowledge that something that works for me, may not work for you, and if you decide to try buy/use/watch/follow anything that I suggest on this website, that you do so at your own risk.
Disclosure in regards to monetary gain, advertising, affiliate links and similar
Tokyo Time will clearly label posts of a commercial nature and will be transparent and upfront about it. Tokyo Time also pledges to write and review about all topics in an honest nature, regardless of whether the content is sponsored or not.
Comment Policy
I will aim to be kind and patient and ask that if you disagree with my content, to do so politely or in a constructive manner. If you do not have anything kind to say, I would rather you keep it to yourself, as that is what I will strive to do. Let's make the Internet a kind environment for sharing. Thank you!